
All-Occasion Sermon Outlines is unavailable, but you can change that!

Many pastors preach at least twice a Sunday, and some must stand in the pulpit three times a week or more! Generating that much content can be exhausting—especially if you don’t have the right resources. The Baker Sermon Outlines series provides busy pastors with well-researched sermon outlines based on specific texts of Scripture and practical topics. Scriptural and easy to use, these...

The sooner the better is the correct time, for to delay may be too late. Now is the accepted time; now is the day of salvation. The Holy Spirit “will not always strive with man.” So find Him while you feel the influence of the Holy Spirit at work in your life. One day He who came to earth the first time at Christmas is to come a second time, and then it will be too late to find Him as Savior, for He will come as Judge. D. What Do We Do When We Find Him Today? The Wise Men fell down, probably awestruck
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